Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Environmentally Friendly Cleaning

Seventh Generation
I recently started buying the Seventh Generation family of products. I instantly fell in love with the lavender & mint dish soap, and decided to get other cleaning products for the house. I am by nature a total neat-freak OCD person. I love having a clean house, and I also feel that every person should do their part for the environment. I also hate the smell of chemical cleaners. They give me a headache and make it hard for me to clean the entire house in one day. I just cleaned everything with these amazing products and my house smells amazing. It smells clean and fresh, and its also like using aroma therapy. My bathroom smells like Thyme, my kitchen smells like mint, and I am in love! I highly recommend using these products, not only because they are good for the environment, but because they are good for you as well and they are only a few cents to a couple of dollars more than the generic brand. I find that Target has the best price on these items, at only a small amount higher than their Up&Up brand.Its a win!

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